
Suprematist Nudes

2001 – 2005

The Suprematist Nudes body of work is a tribute to the Suprematist artists of the early 20th century. Not content to accept the status quo the Suprematists pushed the concept of what art could be in the fine arts, architecture, clothing, furniture, typography, book and ceramic design, and poetry.

These works are nudes montaged with images of Russian Suprematist paintings from 1912 to 1923. The Suprematists wanted to divorce their art from the physical world and explore relationships of a higher, “Supreme” reality. I thought it interesting to combine works from opposite polarities; physical nudes with these hard-edged geometric explorations to see what relationships would result. The “tattooing” of the Suprematist works on some of the Nudes makes them more graphic, no longer simply physical entities. In other images the Nude softens the hard-edged Suprematists compositions making them more physical and worldly. Through exploring these dualities I hope to share a heightened sense of the “beingness” underlying both.